The 2012 art contest “Der Fluss in Kinderaugen”

In 2012, the art contest “Der Fluss in Kinderaugen” (The river through the eyes of a child) was held in Germany. The participants were students of the Hermann Pückler Primary School in Bad Muskau and the Corona Schröter Primary School in Guben.

The entries were evaluated by the contest committee, chaired by Mrs. Wiesława Filipiak. The jury paid special attention to the originality and creativity of young artists. From among 86 submitted works we chose the 12 best that were then published in the form of a calendar for 2013.

The award ceremony for all the participants of the contest and the presentation of the ICPO calendar was organized on 19.09.2012 in the Orangery of the Count Pückler Park in Bad Muskau. Our ceremony was honored by the presence of guests:

– Mrs. Ursula Heinen-Esser – Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Environment,

– Dr. Fritz Jaeckel – Secretary of State in the Ministry for Environment of Saxony

– Prof. Dr. Matthias Freude – Director of the National Environment Protection Authority in Brandenburg.

Students attended a presentation by Dr. Jörn Gessner of the Institute of Water Ecology and Inland Fishing entitled “The Odra River as a habitat for plants and animals”, participated in educational activities organized in a mobile laboratory and watched a presentation of a dam model. The participants also enjoyed some sweets and healthy nibbles.


Have a look at the award-winning contest entries